Tuesday, June 05, 2007

MyJavaServer - Signup Challenge

When I tried to sign-up for MyJavaServer service, I was quiet amused by their sign-up challenge. The challenge is to write a small Java program (just to make sure that you are conversant with Java). The site then compiles your program and runs a couple of tests to validate the program. Quiet a novel way to authenticate the users.

Signup Challenge
Master a simple Java programming challenge (STATUS: NOT PASSED)

As the principal engineer of an HTTP web server, you are responsible for implementing the request processing subsystem of the server.
An incoming request for a specific resource, identified by an URI, must be dispatched to the appropriate handler according to the server configuration which maps URIs to request handlers. 'HandlerFactory.getHandler' must be implemented:

public class HandlerFactory
public String getHandler(String[] config, String requestUri)

The string array 'config' contains URI patterns and handler names. Two consecutive values form a key-value pair comprised of URI pattern and handler. 'requestUri' represents an incoming request, the URI to match against the configured handlers. 'getHandler' must return the correct handler for a given URI as a string value.

An URI pattern never contains wildcards and represents the start of an URI string, a prefix. Matching must be implemented accordingly. The handler with the longest matching URI pattern wins if more than one pattern matches. If no handler can be found, "XqAoLy" must be returned.


Anonymous said...

Kumar, have you code this challenge?

Rajakumar said...

I have solved this challenge.

Anonymous said...


will you share the solution with me.


Rajakumar said...

I could not find the solution that I used, but should be able to help out.

Anonymous said...

can you please publish that code on this site myjavaserver one

Rajakumar said...

I will not be publishing the code to solve the MyJavaServer sign up challenge. The idea behind the challenge (that I guess) is to restrict people who are not proficient with Java. I bet the challenge is a really simple. So if you are proficient in core java and some basics of httpservlet request handling, one should get through easily.

Anonymous said...

Rajakumar, you are a stupid.